This version of TissueStack will reconfigure apache to use port 8008. This rpm was built on Centos 6.5 and should work on most free and commercial redhat el 6 systems. It has been tested on Centos. A pre-requisite to satisfying the dependencies on the target machine is to install the EPEL repository. For convenience this directory contains the file epel.repo which get be downloaded onto the target machine and stored in /etc/yum.repos.d To install Tissue Stack along with its needed dependecies (not satisfied by epel), the rpms in this directory have to be downloaded and installed like this: yum tissuestack-1.5-0.el6.x86_64.rpm nifticlib-2.0-0.el6.x86_64.rpm minc-2.1-0.el6.x86_64.rpm dcmtk-3.6.0-0.el6.x86_64.rpm Tissue Stack can be started/stopped in the following way: /etc/init.d/tissuestack start/stop The url is: http://host:8008/ The default password for uploading and adding data sets is: @minTischYu It can be changed in the login panel. An example .raw file is also available for download from this directory: rgb.raw ATTENTION: There has been a post/post-uninstall script mistake such that if an older tissuestack version is installed a reinstall or alternatively a remove of the older version prior to install is necessary. These errors should not occur any more for versions higher than 1.7.